Motivation Behind Marketing: What’s Your Motivation?

“It’s important in life to know what our motivation is.” –DeVon Franklin

It’s also important in marketing and advertising to know what our motivation is. And that’s what I’m going to focus on here today.

What is your motivation?

Be honest. If your motivation is to sell products, you might see some success, but you will not continue to be successful.

A Greater Motivation

Photo of Steve Jobs with quote

Let’s look at Apple. What would you say their motivation is?

You could probably argue that selling products at least factors into their motivation, but it is secondary. Bob Borchers, a former iPhone product marketing engineer, said (I’m quoting from the article “Former Apple employee recounts how Jobs motivated iPhone team”):

Steve Jobs didn’t have a specific device in mind, but instead gave the team a mission: create a phone that people would love so much that they’d never leave the house without it.

Does that sound like a man or a company whose primary motivation is to sell?

No. That’s what once made Apple unique and what other companies, especially Samsung, are now catching up with. Your motivation has to be to make great products people will love. The bonus with that is that those products then kind of market themselves.

Motivated by Money

We all know people who are motivated by money. We can see it a mile away. Their sales pitch is disconnected from customers, it’s truly all about them. And you get a sense that they will tell you anything just so they get what they want. Is that who you want to be?

I admit, there are exceptions. Some people, some companies who are motivated purely or mostly by money can be successful. But they are often successful at the cost of something greater—humanity, the environment, other people’s economies.

Look at the finance industry and all the wrongdoing that caused the U.S economic collapse. Those bankers, Wall Street traders, etc.—the ones who caused this mess—were all motivated by money. Greed.

Look at the oil industry. Sure, their advertising makes it seem like they’re interested in the environment or the earth’s future, but we all know they’re interested (at least for now) in one thing above all else—profits. And they do quite well in that category.

Eventually, I hope, that will change as consumers become more aware and demand more change. For now, it’s up to you to be the change. Ask yourself who you want to be. Which type of motivation sounds better to you?

What about You?

For me, I like Apple’s motivation—to make great products people will love. I find it authentic and more fulfilling. Imagine what would happen if every company were motivated by that—what a wonderful world we’d live in.

So, if you’re not getting the response you want on social media or in sales, maybe it’s time to rethink your motivation.

Are you just trying to sell to people? Or do you want to give them great products and services they will love?

Convertible VW Beetle Makes for a Fun Getaway Car in the Winter

I keep laughing every time I see the new VW Beetle ad. So I had to share it with you. If it’s not advertising perfection, it’s pretty darn close.

Here’s why it works:

1. Creative and memorable

The idea of driving a convertible car through winter is a different one. And it’s often a challenge for dealers to sell convertibles in the winter, so I love how creative the agency (Deutsch) got here. Ski masks. Perfect.

2. Excellent story sequence, direction and attention to detail

A guy goes into a store with a ski mask on. We didn’t yet see the guys driving in the topless Beetle, so we assume what the customers assume—that this guy is here to rob the place. And one of the first camera angles after he enters shows this menacing figure from the back and then we see a female customer backing away from him slowly. We know something’s up, but we’re not sure what until he goes to the register.

Even the song in the background is part of the fun, as this YouTube commenter notes:

Screenshot of YouTube comment

3. Different also equals memorable.

A guy in a ski mask doesn’t “want any trouble” and actually pays for his goods. That’s different. Then we see him running out and we’re still not 100 percent sure what’s going on until he gets in the car with his other ski-mask-wearing buddies.

4. Humor well done is always a winner.

As we hear sirens in the distance, the driver tells his friend, “You know you forgot to take your mask off, right? We should probably get out of here” and off they go…driving in their convertible VW Beetle in the winter.

Well played, VW.

What do you think? Do you have a favorite commercial right now?